Wednesday, September 12, 2012

El Nido (aka Palawan Part 2)

The weather in El Nido wasn't any better than Sebang so day one we couldn't dive or snorkel so we went on a tour of the surrounding area

Jordan rented his own motorbike

Cori hitched a ride

and we rode in the tricycle, but because it was so wet, we actually walked most of the way through the mud
The tour included a trip to the beach, a trip to the hot springs, and a multiple river crossing trip to a waterfall.
look at this leg

The hot springs were not really worth all the mud...

 The next day Cori and I went out until we found someone willing to take us all snorkeling

 Our first stop was Big Lagoon

 Next we went to Small Lagoon

Feather Duster Worm

Cave snorkeling!

 Day two of snorkeling we knew we were gangster

Hanging out with our tour guide on Snake Island

A little more cave exploration

We snorkeled into this cave


Feather Star

Can you find the file fish?
On our last day in El Nido we grabbed our tour guide Enrique and went on an epic rock scaling climb up the mountains overlooking the town.

these were the kinds of rocks we were scaling up

the town of El Nido in all its glory

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